Monday, May 2, 2011

30 Days Of Challenge - Day Two - May 2nd


Today I was more interested in other creative endeavors, but I didn’t neglect the scene that was roaming in my head like a rampant beast while I was trying to enjoy my morning wake up Chai Tea. Try as I did though, I only managed a little over 500 today, but a little is better than nothing and my final word count for my DCBB story today is 549 which brings it to 1987 words. Ah Damn uneven numbers I will probably add some more to it sometime after dinner tonight.


Would you count the creepy jive dance as exercise? Yes well, no one knows more about cracking knees and muscle tearing than me when it comes to doing the strange excited crafting dance as a form of exercise and landing myself in my study chair. Do you think lifting a glue gun counts as well?

I did do some exercise. Not to certain if it was half an hour, but much like yesterday we went for a walk in town to get some lunch and to the scrapbooking shop [Hobby Sew] at the other end of town. I have probably eaten more than I can walk of and while I tried to muster up the energy to walk this morning and late last night I just couldn’t get myself there. I blame Daniels sniffling and snuffling. It is making me cold return and all I want to do is climb into bed and sleep.

God I hope it is cool enough to go for an evening stroll after dinner tonight.

Speaking of which.

Home Cooking:

Tonight I have decided to cook an easy adapted recipe for Tuna Bake.


· Tomato soup [canned]

· Onion [chopped finely]

· Canned Tuna in oil

· Pasta of your choice [Dry-uncooked]


· Add the Tomato Soup, Onion and Canned Tuna into a saucepan and cook together until hot.

· Put Pasta in a round over proof dish and pour the hot ingredients over the top, stirring both the pasta and ingredients together.

· Cook in the over with the lid on for 45 minutes.

· Cover with Cheese and put back into oven for a further 30 minutes or until cheese is crusty and golden.

Trust me when I say it is rich and divine. Serve with salad of vegetables.


I had a strange day of crafting today. I wasn’t really planning on doing anything apart from working more on my album- which I did, but when I came across some money my mind searched the photos I had and it was set- I had to go scrapbook shopping at my local Hobby Sew. $100+ later and with my creative juices exploding in my brain I had to start as soon as I got home.

I started two layouts. One [Poor Wet Baby Sandy] using the pictures I had to take when our little kitten Sandy fell into the bathtub and was swimming around with the clothes. He came out drenched and looking a little too much like a rat, but I quickly dashed for the camera and took these shots and while my layout didn’t plan out as it did in my head- due to me exploring with my good paper before testing my new Martha Stewart Cutter on scrap paper, but I am really happy with the layout thus so far. I do need to add a few more things and it means a trip back to the scrapbooking store [ehm excuses] though I am pretty certain I am leaving the layout simple.

The other one I had the idea for halfway through creating the first. This one I decided to use my favorite colors on, and since I brought some flowers and new Glimmer mist Rum raisin [Yum] to test try I got stuck right into it while the other layout was drying. I chose Lilac Kaiser craft painted a block of chipboard to use as a matt, I Glimmer misted a piece of embossed cardstock and some lace and even used the lace as a stencil. Glued it all down, arrange the PRIMA flowers I brought today and added these cute PRIMA Sculptured Flowers.

I already have a fair idea what I am going to do to finish the layout. Again I like to keep it simple, but elegant. My natural need to over embellish has to be restrained because I tend to take them one step to far and ruin a layout. However I am really happy with the progress I have made with my creative crafting today.


I kicked started the morning hitting the 100 page mark in Voices of the waves so I am well okay with hitting the goal posts if I keep up my 50 pages. It is a confusing read, sometimes it hits a hot spot and just as quickly plummets, but I am still enjoying the small pleasures it entails.

I haven’t spent much time today reading, so I am hoping to kick of this late evening with a few chapters read of each book. I kept getting distracted with other ideas and creations, but much like writing a little goes a long way and if I can stay away from a Gossip Girl marathon I should have the next few hours and early morning to get a few pages read.

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